Tuesday, February 15, 2011

About the Photo Shoot and Future Plans (Blog and otherwise)!

At my heaviest in 2007
This past weekend was AMAZING!  After 6 hard weeks, 4 of which I blogged about, the PHOTO SHOOT finally arrived.  I must say, I was really nervous for several reasons.

First, just the thought of being photographed was a little scary to me.  Though I had taken professional photos a few years ago, I was still a little unnerved about taking photos in athletic wear, with my body on full view--especially since I still have some more weight to lose.  My nerves were calmed however, when I arrived to the photo shoot and many of the ladies who were also being photographed greeted me warmly!

Second, I was nervous to see friends I had not seen in nearly seven months.  Though social media allowed me to remain connected with my friends, I wasn't prepared, really, for the reactions I received.  Because I see myself daily, it's still hard for me to wrap my mind around the transformation.  I've taken to looking at old pictures to remind myself...LOL  Every old friend I saw was excited and happy about my transformation.  In the midst of it all, I became excited too, because I know I represent what is possible and obtainable. 

So, back to the photo shoot!  Though I was nervous, the photographer was so sweet and professional.  He took about 20 or so photos.  Afterward, he showed me the photos on the computer and I must say, they came out really nice.  When he finishes processing them, he will send some to me and then I can share them.

In the meantime, I have decided a few things:
1) I will continue my eating, drinking, and exercising regime, but with a few changes. [Click the words "eating," "drinking," and "exercising" to be taken to the blog post where I describe my routine for each of the three categories.] I have decided to add dairy back.  This will mostly be in the form of yogurt and cheese, here and there.
2) I will continue to blog but I can not promise it will be every day.  I love sharing my food journal and that keeps me accountable, but I can not keep up with blogging everyday.  So, I will do what I can in regards to sharing my food journal.

Left, Heart and Soul 2010; Right, Heart and Soul 2011, 90lbs later
My journey is far from complete.  As of now, I have lost 90lbs and I have 40 more to lose.  I hope to be finished with the weight loss by the end of this summer.  I also hope to be wearing my good friend's size 8 jeans by then, too. :-)  She was cleaning out her closet this weekend and gave a pair to me. 

I am excited about continuing on as well as sharing my progress/process with you.

For now, in the next few days, be on the lookout for two new blog posts! In one I will share a recipe for HOMEMADE PROTEIN BARS (sugar-free) and the other will be FOR LADIES ONLY! :-)

Thanks for journeying with me!


  1. LOL! Being in the land of the cheeseheads did it, I think! :-)

  2. Truly you represent what I want in my heart and head. You are an inspiration sister. I can't wait to be able to show the pictures of my transformation. I know its attainable because I can do anything I put my mind to. THANKS CMO!!

  3. Just as you can't wait to show your transformation, I can't wait to SHARE in it!!!! You have EVERYTHING WITHIN YOU to do it! :-)
