Though bits and pieces of poetic phrases come to my mind here and there, I haven't written an entire poem since a trip to Kenya in 2001. Today, I felt inspired to pen this poem. It's minimalist in structure but meaningful in purpose.
Loves this and these...
loves these coils
this skin
and these curves
If I don’t, who will?
loves these hands
this heart
and these desires
If I don’t, who will?
loves this mouth
this voice
and these melodies
If I don’t, who will?
loves these eyes
these ears
and this foresight
If I don’t, who will?
loves this mind
these thoughts
and these words
If I don’t, who will?
loves this blackness
these roots
and this heritage
If I don’t, who will?
loves this air
this sun
and this beauty
If I don’t, who will?
loves this God
this Me
this God in Me
If I don’t, who will?
"If I don't, who will?"---> AMAZING.